Moodle Partners are encouraged to create and maintain their own groups on Moodle tracker.
In order to do this, create an issue in the epic MDLSITE-3737 and indicate the name of the group (should start with "partner-") and the names of tracker users to be included in the group. Such issues will remain open and partner's employees may comment at any moment asking to add or remove members to/from the group. When adding users to the partner groups hq will also add them to jira-developers group, membership in this group gives edit permissions on the issues. Feel free to request membership in moodle-triage group if you want to help with Bug triage.
Partners may also request access to security issues for all or some of the members of their groups. In this case those users will also be added to moodle-partners group. Please request security access either in comments restricted to moodle-partners group or in email to [email protected] . HQ will periodically ask to confirm if the users with security access are still employed by partners.
If an issue reported in the Tracker is causing problems for your clients, you can flag the issue by applying the label "partner" to the issue. Additionally you may want to apply your specific label. Issues with "partner" labels will receive priority attention by the Development team, especially the issues with multiple partner-specific labels. There is no guarantee that issues reported or flagged by MPs will be fixed immediately, but they will receive priority attention.
You may also use the tracker group and label to build search queries of issues important for your partner. There are some examples of search queries on the Tracker tips page. For example, to receive weekly notifications about new security issues create a filter for this query and subscribe to it weekly. This query will return all security issues reported in the last seven days.
After you open a Tracker, please also submit a ticket to [email protected] providing the Tracker number. This will notify the Commercialization team so they can help with the prioritisation internally in Moodle HQ.