A person must be logged in to moodle.org to see localised banner rotations for their country.  

Distribution of Moodle Partner ads displayed on moodle.org

  • 5% random from all Partners
  • 10% random from global Partners (eg moodle.com, Moodle Academy, general Moodle Services ads)
  • 85% random Partner ads from viewer's country

Certified Integration Partners are classified as global partners, so their ads fall into the 10% category.

Randomisation of Partner tiles displayed on moodle.com/services (users searching for a Moodle Partner)

  • System detects the location of the person based on their IP address

  • Users receive a random list of partners in their country/region on each page load

  • If user selects "Show all" or click "View all" they will see a random list of all partners*

Note that the full randomised list of all Partners will be cached on the server for around 10 mins. So for example if a user views All Partners and Partner X appears first on the list, and then you view All Partners, Partner X will also appear first. Around 10 mins later, that list will be re-randomized.